
令和 6 年 12 月 8 日(日)、甲府キャンパスにて学生メンター企画「人工いくらで学ぶ代謝

Metabolism Through Artificial Salmon Roe (8 December 2024)
An experiment to learn the metabolism through artificial salmon roe are held in student-mentor session
on 8 December 2024 at Kofu campus. The session is conduct by the graduate student of University of
Yamanashi. The students are divided into two groups. Each student is given hands-out to aid them
with the experiment.
Firstly, one of mentors was presenting and briefing about the experiment that going to be done today
to the students. The presentation consists of the information regarding what is metabolism, and what is
the material that students are going to use to make the artificial salmon roe. Then, the presentation
explains about preparation and procedure of the experiment while the students doing the experiment
with the help of mentor. The experiment creates 2 sugar solution with different temperatures, 1 DGlucose solution, Palsuite solution, and Yeast solution. The students then create the artificial salmon
roe by dropping the yeast solution into the sugar solution. Then, the artificial salmon roes are mix into
the D-Glucose solution and Palsuite solution at two different temperatures.
Then, student observe the solutions to see the CO2 emissions from those solution.

人工いくらで学ぶ代謝の世界(2024 年 12 月 8 日)
2024 年 12 月 8 日に甲府キャンパスで、学生メンター企画において人工いくらを用いた代
を 2 つのグループに分けて実験を行いました。
際の準備と手順について説明があり、実験では、異なる温度の 2 つの糖溶液、1 つの D-グルコー
糖溶液に滴下して人工いくらを作成しました。その後、人工イクラを D-グルコース溶液と
パルスイート溶液に 2 つの異なる温度で混ぜます。最後に、塾生たちはこれらの溶液からの CO2

今後の活動につきましても随時、当 HP にて発信していきます。